ENG Master’s Wappu Sitsit

Sign up here to ENG Master’s Wappu Sitsit!

WHAT: Wappu Sitsit and song test
FOR: ENG Master’s and exchange students (those who are completing song test for the teekkari cap points are prioritized, but it’s open for everyone!)
WHEN: Wednesday 18.3.
WHERE: Otaranta Clubroom (Otaranta 8B cellar)
WHY: Wappu + song test + completing all the freshmen points!

What is a song test? Song test is one of the mandatory points for getting a teekkari cap and completing the teekkari cap diploma. In the song test you need to know some of the most common sitsi songs and lead one song at the sitsit. Come to the wappu lecture to hear more about song test and also many other wappu things! PS. Remember to order your teekkari cap before March 15th!




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