Studies in our guild

Bachelor’s degree

There are two kinds of Bachelor’s degrees in the guild:

  • Civil Engineering (RAK).
    This program is in Finnish and the annual admission is around 100 new freshmen

  • Computational Engineering (CE).
    This program is in English and the admission is approx. 30 new freshmen.

The extent of the Bachelor degree is 180 ECTS.

Civil Engineering, curriculum (Finnish)
Computational engineering, curriculum


Master’s degree

Students who have completed their bachelor’s degree can choose to continue their studies in the master’s. The four options to choose from are Advanced Energy Solutions (AAE), Geoengineering (GEO), Geoinformatics (GIS) and Water and Environmental Engineering (WAT).

The master’s degree consists of 120 credits, and the duration is two years of full-time studies.


More detailed degree structures for master’s degrees can be found by clicking the icons below.









Exchange students

Exchange students usually take courses from one of the master’s subjects. Sometimes your courses don’t fit completely inside one of the subjects, but don’t worry about that!



Information about different courses and their timetables can be found on MyCourses. This requires a username and password for an Aalto account.

Aalto University offers a wide range of language courses. The language courses at Aalto University can be found here.

The enrollment for all courses is done via SISU. Like MyCourses, this also requires an Aalto account to log in.

See all the Master’s programs: Click here

See info about the School of Engineering: Click here


Master of Studies

Sofia Ahola
+358 40 968 0338