Summer Olympics

It’s time to wrap up another workful summer and prepare ourselves to the academic year! What a better way to do this than participate IK:s traditional Summer Olympics on Saturday the 29th of August!

The biggest competition is something, that only the strongest of us can do: 110 meters fences. This IK:s traditional and very popular sport is the finest of competitions, and also great fun for participants and audience. The rules are simple: move a 10 meter distance as fast as you can, then cross an alcoholic water barrier, and repeat this until 110 meter is over.

After the sportful 110 meter fences the day will continue with Holympics. The Holympics (competing in small groups) include many tough group sports, where you get to show what you and your team are made of! Registration to the Holympics will be held on site. The best team will be rewarded! 

This “Sports day” will continue at OK20 with the Summer Ending Party.

Registration to 110m fences will be open on Tuesday 18.8 at 18:00 here!

The fastest 20 enrollees to the 110 m fences will be provided the needed drinks! Otherwise, please bring your own.


  • The Summer competition will be held outside, hand washing will not be possible.
  • Maintaining social distance and good hygiene will be every participant’s own responsibility (hand sanitizing will be available from organizers).

Please do not attend the events if you are feeling sick. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the organizers!


WHAT: Summer Olympics
WHERE: Ossinlampi 
WHEN: 110m fences will begin at 15.00
COST: Free!
WHY: Why not?